2.3.2 在Windows平台上安装MySQL Cluster Manager

要在 Windows 平台上安装 MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6,您应该首先下载 MSI 安装程序文件 mcm-1.3.6-cluster-7.4.6-win32-x86.msi (请参阅第 2.1 节,“获取 MySQL Cluster Manager”)。适用于 Windows 的 1.3.6 是 32 位的,捆绑的 MySQL Cluster NDB 7.4.6 也是如此;它们可以在 32 位和 64 位版本的 Windows 上运行。

正如其他地方提到的(例如,参见 第 3.4.1 节“使用 MySQL 集群管理器创建 MySQL 集群”),您必须在每台要托管 MySQL 集群节点的计算机上安装 MySQL 集群管理器的副本。因此,必须在每台主机上分别执行以下过程。为了便于在多台机器上安装和升级,建议您将 MySQL Cluster Manager 安装到每台主机上的相同位置。这是C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6\C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6\默认情况下,但可以将 MySQL Cluster Manager 安装到备用位置,例如C:\mcm\.

在接下来的讨论中,我们假设您已将 MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.1 MSI 安装程序作为用户 下载到 64 位 Windows 系统上jon该用户的下载目录 ( )。C:\Users\jon\Downloads\MCM在 Windows 资源管理器中导航到此目录,如下所示:

图 2.1 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI 安装程序:下载


要运行安装程序,请双击 Windows 资源管理器中的文件图标。某些版本的 Windows 还在 Windows 资源管理器菜单中提供了一个 安装项,可用于运行安装程序。当您启动安装程序时,您可能会看到 Windows安全警告屏幕。如果您从受信任的来源获得安装程序并且知道它没有被篡改,请从对话框中选择运行,这将允许安装程序继续到 欢迎屏幕,如下所示:

图 2.2 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI 安装程序:欢迎屏幕


点击Next按钮继续进入 License Agreement界面,如下图所示:

图 2.3 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI 安装程序:许可协议


You should read the license text in the text area, and when you have done so, check the box labelled I accept the terms in the License Agreement. Until you have checked the box, you cannot complete the MySQL Cluster Manager installation; it is possible only to print the license, go back to the previous screen, or cancel the installation (using the buttons labelled Print, Back, and Cancel, respectively). Checking the box enables the Next button, as shown here:

Figure 2.4 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI Installer: Accepting License Agreement


Click the Next button to continue to the Destination Folder screen, where you can choose the installation directory. The next figure shows the Destination Folder screen with the default location. On English-language 32-bit Windows systems, this is C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager version\); on English 64-bit Windows systems, the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager version\. (In this example, we are installing MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.1 on a 64-bit system, so the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.1\.) You can click the Change button to change the directory where MySQL Cluster Manager should be installed; the default directory is adequate for most cases.

Figure 2.5 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI Installer: Destination Folder


Once you have selected the destination directory, the installer has gathered all the information that it requires to perform the installation. Click Next to continue to the Ready screen, shown here:

Figure 2.6 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI Installer: Ready to Install


Click the Install button to install MySQL Cluster Manager. As the installer begins to copy files and perform other tasks affecting the system, you may see a warning dialog from Windows User Access Control, as shown here:

Figure 2.7 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI Installer: User Account Control


If this occurs, click the Yes button to allow the installation to continue. A Setup Wizard screen with a progress bar is displayed while the installer runs, as shown in the next figure:

Figure 2.8 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI Installer: Setup Wizard


The Setup Wizard may require several minutes to copy all of the necessary files for MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6 and MySQL Cluster NDB 7.4.6 to the installation directory and to perform other required changes.


MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6 安装程序将 MySQL Cluster NDB 7.4.6 放在cluster安装目录下的目录中。(默认情况下,这是 C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6\clusteror C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6\cluster。)MySQL Cluster 二进制文件的位置不能使用 MySQL Cluster Manager 安装程序单独配置。

安装向导 完成后,安装程序会显示“安装已完成”屏幕,如下所示:

图 2.9 MySQL Cluster Manager MSI 安装程序:安装完成


MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.6 现已安装到目标目录;单击完成按钮退出安装程序。