16.4 删除资产

本节介绍如何从用户界面从 MySQL Enterprise Monitor 的清单中删除资产和资产组。


从清单中删除资产不会从其安装位置删除或卸载资产。删除过程仅从 MySQL Enterprise Service Manager 的内部记录中删除资产或资产组的所有记录。这使您能够删除受监视但不再使用的集群、拓扑、代理、主机和实例的条目。


有关库存的更多信息,请参阅 附录 B,管理库存

有关从命令行删除资产的信息,请参阅 第 16.5 节,“从命令行删除资产”


  • MySQL实例

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor 代理

  • 主持

  • NDB 集群:可以整个删除集群,或者您可以通过打开 NDB 集群详细信息视图并一次删除一个节点来删除单个节点。

    • NDB API 节点


      删除 NDB API 节点也会删除服务器。

    • NDB 数据节点

    • NDB 管理节点


It is not currently possible to delete an entire replication topology. To delete the assets involved in a replication topology, you must delete each individually, or use a related request type where possible.

It is not possible to delete an asset if any of the following are true:

  • If the user does not have the required permissions.

  • It is not possible to delete an agent from the inventory if the agent's status is unknown, if the agent is running, or if the agent is monitoring one or more MySQL instances which are not scheduled for deletion in the same operation.

  • It is not possible to delete a host from the inventory if the host contains agents or MySQL instances which are not also scheduled for deletion in the same operation.

To delete an asset, do the following:

  1. Open the asset's view from the Configuration menu.

  2. To delete an MySQL instance from the MySQL Instances view,. select Delete from the instance menu, or select the instance(s) and click the Delete Instances button.

    To delete an asset from the asset-specific views, Agents, Hosts, or NDB Clusters, select Delete from the menu on each asset's line or select the asset and click the Delete button. You can also select all assets in the view, using the Select All button, and delete all by clicking the Delete button.

    The Delete Confirmation dialog is displayed.

    Figure 16.7 Delete Confirmation for MySQL Instance

    MySQL 实例的删除确认对话框示例。

    If it is not possible to delete an asset, a warning is displayed in the Deletable column. To see more information on the nature of the warning, hover the cursor over the warning. A tooltip is displayed.

  3. If the asset is deletable, confirm the details are correct and click Delete. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  4. To delete assets related to the selected asset, select one of the other types from the Advanced Options section. If the selection is available, the Deletable Assets section is updated with the asset's details and whether it is deletable.

    For example, if you try to delete a MySQL Instance and a related host:

    Figure 16.8 Delete Confirmation for MySQL Instance and related Host

    选择了相关主机的 MySQL 实例的删除确认对话框示例。

    相关主机也安装了代理,与删除请求无关。不相关代理的存在阻止了删除 MySQL 实例和相关主机删除请求。删除按钮被停用。