MySQL Workbench 发行说明  / MySQL Workbench 6.1 中的变化  /  MySQL Connector/NET 6.1.2 的变化(2009-09-08,全面上市)

MySQL Connector/NET 6.1.2 的变化(2009-09-08,全面上市)

这是 6.1 的第一个 GA 版本。此版本修复了自 6.1.1 以来的错误。


  • MySQL 连接器/NET 会话状态提供程序将会话数据截断为 64KB,因为它的列类型设置为 BLOB. (漏洞 #47339)

  • MySQL Connector/NET 在使用会话状态提供程序时生成以下异常:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
    server version for the right syntax to use near 'MINUTEWHERE SessionId =
    'dtmgga55x35oi255nrfrxe45' AND ApplicationId = 1 AND Loc' at line 1
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
    request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it
    originated in the code.
    Exception Details: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: You have an error in your SQL
    syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
    syntax to use near 'MINUTEWHERE SessionId = 'dtmgga55x35oi255nrfrxe45' AND ApplicationId =
    1 AND Loc' at line 1

    (漏洞 #46939)

  • 如果在连接到 MySQL 服务器期间发生错误,则从数据包缓冲区反序列化错误消息 NullReferenceException会导致抛出 。当该方法MySqlPacket::ReadString()试图检索错误消息时,以下代码行抛出异常:

    string s = encoding.GetString(bits, (int)buffer.Position, end - (int)buffer.Position);

    这是因为编码字段没有正确初始化。(漏洞 #46844)

  • 将输入参数与 ADO.NET 数据实体一起使用时,存储过程中缺少输入参数。(漏洞 #44985)

  • MySQL Connector/NET 没有正确超时。命令超时设置为 30 秒,但 MySQL Connector/NET 挂起了几个小时。(漏洞 #43761)