4.3.2 集合.find()

该 功能用于在集合中搜索文档,类似于 SQL 数据库的SELECT语句。它采用搜索条件字符串 ( SearchConditionStr ) 作为参数来指定应从数据库返回的文档。该函数触发操作的实际执行。 find(SearchConditionStr)execute()find()

SearchConditionStr可以采用以下形式之一 :

  • 如果未指定SearchConditionStr,则find()操作返回集合中的所有文档。

    // Get a collection
    var myColl = session.getSchema("world_x").getCollection("countryinfo");
    // To return all documents in world_x: 
  • SearchConditionStr 最常见的形式 是:

    JSON-path [ operator { value | JSON-path} ]

    以下是对SearchConditionStr 的不同部分的一些解释 :

    • JSON-path:JSON 路径标识 JSON 文档中的元素;有关详细信息,请参阅 JSON 路径语法。以下是 JSON 路径语法的简短摘要:

      • JSON路径以作用域开始:在MySQL的JSON文档实现中,路径的作用域始终是被操作的文档,表示为$,它总是被隐式假定,因此大多数情况下可以跳过;例如,路径 $.geography.Region等同于geography.Region.



        • 当使用**通配符时(例如, find("$**.b1")请参阅下面关于通配符的讨论),

        • 当 JSON 路径仅包含一个文字字符串 if$被省略时(例如, find("$.'country_name'") 用于查找具有 country name字段的所有文档。

      • 在范围之后,路径由一个或多个路径分支组成。一条路径从 JSON 树的一层向下延伸到下一层,连续的路径由句点 ( .) 分隔。例如:myColl.find("geography.Continent = 'Africa'")查找Africafield Continent下具有该字段 值的所有文档geography

      • 数组中的元素用 表示 ,其中是数组索引,必须是非负整数。 [N]N

        myColl.add({ name:'John', favorNums: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] }).execute();
        myColl.find("favorNums[0] = 1").execute(); //Returns the document just added
    • 通配符可以在 JSON 路径中使用,如下所示 ***

      • object.* 代表 member 下所有成员的值object。例如,在示例 架构中的countryinfo 集合中,表示对象 下的所有成员 ,并 返回在 下的任何成员中具有值的所有文档。 world_x geography.*geographymyColl.find("'Africa' in geography.*")Africageography

      • array[*] 表示数组中所有元素的值。例如:

        myColl.add({ name:'John', favorNums: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] }).execute();
        myColl.add({ name:'Jane', favorNums: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] }).execute();
        myColl.find("1 in favorNums[*]").execute(); //Returns the first document added above
        myColl.find("2 in favorNums[*]").execute(); //Returns the second document added above
      • [prefix]**suffix 表示文档下所有以 prefix结尾 suffix的路径,与路径的深度无关。以下示例说明了如何使用 ** 返回不同的结果:

        mysql-js> myColl.find().execute();
            "a": "bar",
            "b": {
                "b1": 6,
                "b2": 7,
                "b3": {
                    "b1": 99,
                    "b2": 98,
                    "b3": {
                        "b1": 999,
                        "b2": 998
            "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000001"
            "a": "baz",
            "b": {
                "b1": 1,
                "b2": 7
            "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000002"
            "a": "bbr",
            "c": 37,
            "_id": "0000613247ed0000000000000001"
        3 documents in set (0.0007 sec)
        mysql-js> myColl.find("$**.b2").execute();
            "a": "bar",
            "b": {
                "b1": 6,
                "b2": 7,
                "b3": {
                    "b1": 99,
                    "b2": 98,
                    "b3": {
                        "b1": 999,
                        "b2": 998
            "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000001"
            "a": "baz",
            "b": {
                "b1": 1,
                "b2": 7
            "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000002"
        2 documents in set, 1 warning (0.0008 sec)
        mysql-js> myColl.find("$**.b3**.b2").execute();
            "a": "bar",
            "b": {
                "b1": 6,
                "b2": 7,
                "b3": {
                    "b1": 99,
                    "b2": 98,
                    "b3": {
                        "b1": 999,
                        "b2": 998
            "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000001"
        1 document in set, 1 warning (0.0011 sec)

        **使用通配符 时适用以下要求 :

        • prefix应该是 $或者是一个文档本身的元素。

        • suffix应该是路径段并且始终是必需的(也就是说,路径表达式不能以 结尾 **)。

        • 路径表达式可能不包含序列 ***

    • value是要与 上的元素进行比较的值 JSON-path。和 通配符可以与运算符一起使用 %,就像 在 MySQL子句中一样。例如: _valueLIKE WHERE

      myColl.find("Name LIKE 'Austra%'")
      myColl.find("geography.Continent LIKE 'Asi_'")
    • operator: 可以在 SearchConditionStr中使用以下运算符: OR (||), AND (&&), XOR, IS, NOT, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, OVERLAPS, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, &, |, <<, >>, +, -, *,/~%以下是使用运算符的一些示例:

      myColl.find("Name = 'Australia'")
      myColl.find("demographics.Population >= 1000000" )
      myColl.find("demographics.LifeExpectancy BETWEEN 50  AND 60")
      myColl.find("government.HeadOfState = 'Elizabeth II' AND geography.Region = 'Caribbean'")

      如果未提供运算符和后续 JSON 路径,则 find()返回提供的 JSON 路径指向某些非空元素的所有文档。例如:

      myColl.find("demographics.Population" ).execute();

      返回具有 demographics.Population元素的所有文档:

          "GNP": 828,
          "_id": "00005de917d80000000000000000",
          "Code": "ABW",
          "Name": "Aruba",
          "IndepYear": null,
          "geography": {
              "Region": "Caribbean",
              "Continent": "North America",
              "SurfaceArea": 193
          "government": {
              "HeadOfState": "Beatrix",
              "GovernmentForm": "Nonmetropolitan Territory of The Netherlands"
          "demographics": {
              "Population": 103000,
              "LifeExpectancy": 78.4000015258789
          "GNP": 5976,
          "_id": "00005de917d80000000000000001",
      232 documents in set, 1 warning (0.0013 sec)
      Warning (code 3986): Evaluating a JSON value in SQL boolean context does an implicit comparison against JSON integer 0;
      if this is not what you want, consider converting JSON to an SQL numeric type with JSON_VALUE RETURNING

      使用SearchConditionStrIN中的运算符 检查通配符涵盖的所有成员中的值:

      mysql-js> myColl.find("$**.b1").execute();
          "a": "bar",
          "b": {
              "b1": 6,
              "b2": 7,
              "b3": {
                  "b1": 99,
                  "b2": 98,
                  "b3": {
                      "b1": 999,
                      "b2": 998
          "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000001"
          "a": "baz",
          "b": {
              "b1": 1,
              "b2": 7
          "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000002"
      2 documents in set, 1 warning (0.0012 sec)
      mysql-js> myColl.find("99 IN $**.b1").execute();
          "a": "bar",
          "b": {
              "b1": 6,
              "b2": 7,
              "b3": {
                  "b1": 99,
                  "b2": 98,
                  "b3": {
                      "b1": 999,
                      "b2": 998
          "_id": "000061313aa10000000000000001"
      1 document in set (0.0016 sec)

      OVERLAPS运算符比较两个 JSON 片段,如果这两个片段在任何键值对或数组元素中有任何共同的值,则返回真 (1)。例如:

      mysql-js> myColl.find("list").execute();
          "_id": "1",
          "list": [
          "_id": "2",
          "list": [
      2 documents in set, 1 warning (0.0010 sec)
      mysql-js> myColl.find("[1,2,3] OVERLAPS $.list")
          "_id": "1",
          "list": [
      1 document in set (0.0006 sec)

fields()sort()skip()和 等几种方法limit()可以链接到find()函数以进一步优化结果。例如:

myColl.find("Name LIKE 'Austra%'").fields("Code")
myColl.find("geography.Continent LIKE 'A%'").limit(10)

bind()还支持 使用参数绑定。以下示例说明了 bind()with的用法find()

MySQL 外壳 JavaScript 代码

// Use the collection 'my_collection'
var myColl = db.getCollection('my_collection');

// Find a single document that has a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
var docs = myColl.find('name like :param').
            limit(1).bind('param', 'L%').execute();


// Get all documents with a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = myColl.find('name like :param').

var myDoc;
while (myDoc = docs.fetchOne()) {

MySQL 外壳 Python 代码

# Use the collection 'my_collection'
myColl = db.get_collection('my_collection')

# Find a single document that has a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = myColl.find('name like :param').limit(1).bind('param', 'L%').execute()


# Get all documents with a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = myColl.find('name like :param').bind('param','L%').execute()

myDoc = docs.fetch_one()
while myDoc:
  myDoc = docs.fetch_one()

Node.js JavaScript 代码

// Use the collection 'my_collection'
var myColl = db.getCollection('my_collection');

// Find a single document that has a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
  .find('name like :name')
  .bind('name', 'L%')
  .execute(function (doc) {
  .then(function () {
    // handle details

// Get all documents with a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
  .find('name like :name')
  .bind('name', 'L%')
  .execute(function (doc) {
  .then(function () {
    // handle details


// Use the collection "my_collection"
var myColl = db.GetCollection("my_collection");

// Find a single document that has a field "name" that starts with "L"
var docs = myColl.Find("name like :param")
.Limit(1).Bind("param", "L%").Execute();


// Get all documents with a field "name" that starts with "L"
docs = myColl.Find("name like :param")
.Bind("param", "L%").Execute();

while (docs.Next())


# Use the collection 'my_collection'
my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('my_collection')

# Find a single document that has a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = my_coll.find('name like :param').limit(1).bind('param', 'L%').execute()


# Get all documents with a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = my_coll.find('name like :param').bind('param', 'L%').execute()

doc = docs.fetch_one()


// Use the collection 'my_collection'
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");

// Find a single document that has a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
DocResult docs = myColl.find("name like :name").bind("name", "L%").execute();


// Get all documents with a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = myColl.find("name like :name").bind("name", "L%").execute();

while (docs.hasNext()) {
    DbDoc myDoc = docs.next();


// Use the collection 'my_collection'
Collection myColl = db.getCollection("my_collection");

// Find a single document that has a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
DocResult docs = myColl.find("name like :param")
                       .limit(1).bind("param", "L%").execute();

cout << docs.fetchOne() << endl;

// Get all documents with a field 'name' that starts with 'L'
docs = myColl.find("name like :param")

DbDoc myDoc;
while ((myDoc = docs.fetchOne()))
  cout << myDoc << endl;

另请参阅CollectionFindFunction了解 EBNF 中的语法find()