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MySQL 8.0 参考手册  / 第 13 章 SQL 语句  / 13.7 数据库管理语句  / 13.7.4 组件、插件和可加载函数语句  / DROP FUNCTION Statement for Loadable Functions DROP FUNCTION Statement for Loadable Functions


This statement drops the loadable function named function_name. (DROP FUNCTION is also used to drop stored functions; see Section 13.1.27, “DROP PROCEDURE and DROP FUNCTION Statements”.)

DROP FUNCTION is the complement of CREATE FUNCTION. It requires the DELETE privilege for the mysql system database because it removes the row from the mysql.func system table that registers the function.

During the normal startup sequence, the server loads functions registered in the mysql.func table. Because DROP FUNCTION removes the mysql.func row for the dropped function, the server does not load the function during subsequent restarts.


To upgrade the shared library associated with a loadable function, issue a DROP FUNCTION statement, upgrade the shared library, and then issue a CREATE FUNCTION statement. If you upgrade the shared library first and then use DROP FUNCTION, the server may unexpectedly shut down.