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MySQL 8.0 参考手册  / 第8章优化  / 8.2 优化SQL语句  / 8.2.1 优化 SELECT 语句  / 发动机工况下推优化 发动机工况下推优化


对于 NDB Cluster,这种优化可以消除在集群的数据节点和发出查询的 MySQL 服务器之间通过网络发送非匹配行的需要,并且可以在使用它的情况下加快查询速度 5 到 10 倍条件下推可以但未使用的地方。

假设 NDB Cluster 表定义如下:

    a INT,
    b INT,


SELECT a, b FROM t1 WHERE b = 10;


mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a,b FROM t1 WHERE b = 10\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: t1
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 10
        Extra: Using where with pushed condition

但是,引擎条件下推不能 与这两个查询中的任何一个一起使用:

SELECT a,b FROM t1 WHERE a = 10;
SELECT a,b FROM t1 WHERE b + 1 = 10;

引擎条件下推不适用于第一个查询,因为列上存在索引a。(索引访问方法会更有效,因此优先选择条件下推。)引擎条件下推不能用于第二个查询,因为涉及非索引列的比较 b是间接的。(但是,如果您要在 条款中减少b + 1 = 10到,则可以应用引擎条件下推。) b = 9WHERE

>当使用or运算符 将索引列与常量进行比较时,也可以使用引擎条件下推 <

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT a, b FROM t1 WHERE a < 2\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: t1
         type: range
possible_keys: a
          key: a
      key_len: 5
          ref: NULL
         rows: 2
        Extra: Using where with pushed condition

Other supported comparisons for engine condition pushdown include the following:

  • column [NOT] LIKE pattern

    pattern must be a string literal containing the pattern to be matched; for syntax, see Section 12.8.1, “String Comparison Functions and Operators”.

  • column IS [NOT] NULL

  • column IN (value_list)

    Each item in the value_list must be a constant, literal value.

  • column BETWEEN constant1 AND constant2

    constant1 and constant2 must each be a constant, literal value.

In all of the cases in the preceding list, it is possible for the condition to be converted into the form of one or more direct comparisons between a column and a constant.

Engine condition pushdown is enabled by default. To disable it at server startup, set the optimizer_switch system variable's engine_condition_pushdown flag to off. For example, in a my.cnf file, use these lines:


At runtime, disable condition pushdown like this:

SET optimizer_switch='engine_condition_pushdown=off';

Limitations.  Engine condition pushdown is subject to the following limitations:

  • Engine condition pushdown is supported only by the NDB storage engine.

  • Columns may be compared with constants only; however, this includes expressions which evaluate to constant values.

  • 比较中使用的列不能是 BLOBTEXT类型中的任何一种。此排除也扩展到JSONBITENUM列。

  • 要与列进行比较的字符串值必须使用与该列相同的排序规则。

  • 不直接支持连接;涉及多个表的条件在可能的情况下被单独推送。使用扩展EXPLAIN输出来确定实际下推哪些条件。请参阅 第 8.8.3 节,“扩展 EXPLAIN 输出格式”